Author: Christopher
•7:15 PM

"Put aside the concept of knowing spiritual matters via the mind. Let the Spirit teach the spirit in you. After all, it is His responsibility." -Dan Stone

I am thinking that being taught by revelation is like being the film in a Polaroid camera. You can't teach the film to bear the image of Christ, but let the Light but shine a little upon the film, and without fail, as time passes, you'll see the image of Christ develop.

This goes back to a proper understanding of the word 'receive.' When the Bible says that we receive Christ Jesus, it does not mean to imply that we do something, that we take hold of him, and draw him to ourselves. These are all 'doing' words, and we can 'do' nothing in salvation; salvation is of the Lord.

Wax receives the imprint of the seal. It is a passive reception. We simply allow the Lord to do that which he wants to do to us. "To as many as received him, the them gave he power to become the sons of God." This means to those who allow him, the Father will manifest his great love toward them by saving them. That is salvation.

Sanctification is also a reception, not a work. It is not the result of obedience, but rather our obedience is the result of God's work in us. As we place ourselves in surrender before our Father, he changes us into the image of Christ. It is not a cause and effect that finds its foundation in our actions, but rather a change that occurs when we stand in the presence of God.

"And they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus."
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