Author: Christopher
•4:05 PM

"For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep." (1 Cor. 11:30)

I was reading through First Corinthians today, just seeing what the Lord would show me. When I got to chapter 11, I saw something in a different way. I hope it helps your life.

Does God cause believers to be sickly and weak, and even dead, because they don't 'examine' their sins at the Lord's Supper? I have heard it preached that, "If you don't judge yourself, God will judge you! He will chasten you with weakness, sickness, and even death!"

Okay, death isn't really chastening, since you can't properly respond to death in this life, but you get the idea: You judge your hidden sins, or GOD WILL GET YOU!

And thus, the Lord's Supper became a time of fearful introspection where we focused upon OURSELVES rather than on Jesus.

I have also heard it said that it was not our sins that we were to judge, but rather our manner of taking the Lord's Supper. Some folks weren't eating at home first; they were coming to the Lord's Supper, and treating it like a free meal. They were indulging a little bit too much at the 'potluck', if you know what I mean. These believers, so light-hearted about such a serious matter, would be judged by God if they didn't repent.

But I don't buy it. I've been made the righteousness of God in Christ. I've been purged from my old sins. My conscience has been sprinkled from dead works to serve the living God. I am sanctified, holy, and a partaker of the divine nature.

What about this interpretation:

23For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:

24And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

25After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

26For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.

27Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. The "whosoever" in the Corinthian church would have included the saved AND THE LOST. Paul gives these people the Gospel in chapter 15! "Unworthily" therefore means that they are partaking of the symbolic bread and wine WITHOUT HAVING PARTAKEN of the actual body and blood of Jesus. They are still at enmity with God, and "guilty" of the Lord's body. They are 'professors' and not 'possessors.'

28But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. Examination then is not an introspective focus on the sins of the believer, but a call to the UNBELIEVER to "examine" whether or not he is truly born again. If he is saved, and has partaken of the ACTUAL body and blood of Christ, then, of course, there is nothing restraining him from partaking of this SYMBOLIC bread and wine.

29For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. If an unbeliever partakes of the Lord's Supper, he is actually drinking to his own damnation! He doesn't realize that he is SYMBOLICALLY partaking of the Saviour whom he has never accepted. He will be without excuse at the final judgment for he certainly has heard the Gospel as presented in the Lord's Supper.

30For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. Because of this, Paul says, there are some folks coming to the church who aren't healed. Some have even died. Rather than implying that believers are sick because of unconfessed sin in their lives (Which is a fallacy since ALL our sins have already been forgiven in Christ; they don't exist anymore!), this verse is saying that the unbeliever is sick because he isn't saved! He can't partake of the benefits of the New Covenant, because he is not part of it!

31For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. This is therefore not a judging of sins, which have ALL been judged at the Cross for the believer, but rather a judging of the heart. I judged myself as a sinner in December of 1985, and called out to God to save me. Because of this, I will NEVER again be judged on the matter of my eternal salvation; I have been made the righteousness of God in Christ. The "we" in this verse includes everybody.

32But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. Here, "we" refers to believers. When "we" Christians are judged by God, it results in "chastening" not in "damnation." When a crooked sapling is tied to a stake, it has been 'judged' to be 'not straight'; therefore it is 'chastened' or tied to a stake. This chastening has the sapling's best future interest at heart, and is based in love. We are chastened, but we are not "condemned with the world." The word "condemned" is the same as "damnation." Damnation is a judicial punishment with a view toward past sins. This is NOT how the believer is judged.

33Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another.

34And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that ye come not together unto condemnation. And the rest will I set in order when I come. Because the Gospel is so clearly presented at the Lord's Supper, don't just rush through it. Give the unbeliever time to respond. You don't want to rush through it and have somebody 'eat and drink unto damnation', do you?

Can you see how fear is removed for the Believer? Do you see how the focus is removed from self? In it's place is left the simple command to 'remember the Lord til he comes.' Voila! The Lord's Supper becomes a time of REJOICING, and focusing on the Saviour. It is a time of remembering the finished work of Christ. It edifies. It encourages.

After realizing this, I searched through a bunch of old commentaries (and new ones) on the internet, and was surprised that nobody agreed with me. Then I looked at Andrew Wommack's site, and, lo and behold, he saw it exactly the same way. You can read his commentary here.
Author: Christopher
•7:38 PM

The Old Testament Jews were expecting the Messiah to come in glory and great power. They expected his kingdom to be visible. They expected him to judge the wicked. They expected his kingdom to be visible.

It wasn't. Which explains how they overlooked a Baby lying in a manger. Jesus didn't do what they expected.

Now, looking back with hindsight, we know that there are two comings. The first was quiet, the second will be with the shouts of angels. The first was humble riding on a donkey, the second is glorious riding on a white stallion before the armies of God.

So, why were there two comings?

At the first coming, Jesus broke the power of Satan. At the Cross, Jesus "spoiled" principalities and powers. He stripped them of their power, armor and weaponry. Jesus defeated Satan and sin, and their effects at the Cross.

At his second coming, Jesus will destroy Satan's kingdom, and set up a visible reign of righteousness. But until then, we live in the 'overlap' of the Kingdom of God.

The blessings of the Kingdom of God are available now to those who believe. At the second coming, they will be available to everybody, but now they are available to believers only.

It's as if the Kingdom of God is starting twice!

At the second coming, the Spirit will be poured out on ALL flesh (Joel 2:28) and believers will prophecy, and do miracles. Therefore, the Spirit was already poured out in Acts 2 (Acts 2:16-17), and those who believe will prophecy and do miracles NOW. At the second coming, the power of God will be present to cast out devils and heal the sick. Therefore, to those who believe NOW, that power is also available.

Like Jesus, we are sent forth to 'teach and to show the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God.'

The works of Satan are today illegal. They are not binding. Their power was broken at the Cross. We have the authority in Christ to stop this illegal activity. We have been given both the power and authority to both 'teach and show the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God.'

Don't believe your eyes. The power of Satan has been broken. "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." (I John 3:8)

The blessings of the Kingdom of God are available now to those who believe. (Mark 16)
Author: Christopher
•7:38 PM
The Old Testament Jews were expecting the Messiah to come in glory and great power. They expected his kingdom to be visible. They expected him to judge the wicked. They expected his kingdom to be visible.

It wasn't. Which explains how they overlooked a Baby lying in a manger. Jesus didn't do what they expected.

Now, looking back with hindsight, we know that there are two comings. The first was quiet, the second will be with the shouts of angels. The first was humble riding on a donkey, the second is glorious riding on a white stallion before the armies of God.

So, why were there two comings?

At the first coming, Jesus broke the power of Satan. At the Cross, Jesus "spoiled" principalities and powers. He stripped them of their power, armor and weaponry. Jesus defeated Satan and sin, and their effects at the Cross.

At his second coming, Jesus will destroy Satan's kingdom, and set up a visible reign of righteousness. But until then, we live in the 'overlap' of the Kingdom of God.

The blessings of the Kingdom of God are available now to those who believe. At the second coming, they will be available to everybody, but now they are available to believers only.

It's as if the Kingdom of God is starting twice!

At the second coming, the Spirit will be poured out on ALL flesh (Joel 2:28) and believers will prophecy, and do miracles. Therefore, the Spirit was already poured out in Acts 2 (Acts 2:16-17), and those who believe will prophecy and do miracles NOW. At the second coming, the power of God will be present to cast out devils and heal the sick. Therefore, to those who believe NOW, that power is also available.

Like Jesus, we are sent forth to 'teach and to show the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God.'

The works of Satan are today illegal. They are not binding. Their power was broken at the Cross. We have the authority in Christ to stop this illegal activity. We have been given both the power and authority to both 'teach and show the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God.'

Don't believe your eyes. The power of Satan has been broken. "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." (I John 3:8)

The blessings of the Kingdom of God are available now to those who believe. (Mark 16)
Author: Christopher
•1:49 PM

A few verses that mean something AWESOME when you look at them all together:

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to FULFIL." (Matthew 5:17)

Jesus came to FULFILL the law and the prophets. But have you ever thought about what is actually written in the law and prophets? There's good stuff, and there's bad stuff.

Listen: Jesus did NOT just fulfill the GOOD parts of the Law, he also came to fulfill the BAD parts of the Law.

"For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; ..." (2 cor. 5:21a)

Jesus was made to be SIN. He was made to be the transgression of the Law. He was made to be iniquity. He was made to be everything that is contrary to God. "...the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." (Isa. 53:6) Jesus likened himself to the serpent that was lifted up! (John 3:14)

Under the Law, sin led to cursing, and righteousness led to blessing. The Law had TWO sides. The Law came from a single place - Mt. Sinai, but then cursings were pronounced on Mt. Ebal, and blessings were pronounced on Mt. Gerizim. TWO sides.

When Jesus became sin, he also became the curse. This happened at the Cross.

"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" (Galatians 3:13)

But, Jesus also fulfilled the good parts of the Law. He had the practical righteousness that came through perfect obedience. He "...was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." (Hebrews 4:15) This practical righteous has been given to every believer. "... so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous." (Romans 5:19)

Jesus did not just have INNATE righteous, he also had EARNED righteousness. He had the goodness that was his by virtue of being God, but he also had the goodness that comes with perfect obedience as a Man. "Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;" (Hebrews 5:8)

Jesus therefore fulfilled the CURSINGS of the law for us, but he also fulfilled the BLESSINGS for us. God's wrath has been turned away, AND God's favor has been gained.


Listen: Under the Old Testament Law, when you broke the Law, you were punished; but when you kept the Law, you were rewarded. Jesus has all the blessings of obedience that are recorded in the Law. And these blessings are now ours 'in Him.'

"For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us." (2 Cor. 1:20)

How many promises? All of them!! When Paul wrote that verse, where were the promises recorded? In the Old Testament. The New Testament hadn't been written yet.

If you'd like to know what blessings you have been given 'in Him,' read Deuteronomy 28:1-14. And, if you'd like to see what curses you have been redeemed from read Deuteronomy 28:15-68.

These are just a few. But you get the idea!!
Author: Christopher
•6:41 AM
This is more of a journal entry to help me remember stuff later.

Saturday, April 17th - Our church is gearing up for next week's missions conference which they are calling Missio Dei. Becca and I have volunteered to be helpers in the Children's wing. This means that we have been going to drama practice for a couple of weeks, and we've bought a few extra decorations for our Buddhist home.

Tonight something interesting happened. Andy was preaching on 'Finishing the Task.' It was a missions message, and for a visual aid, he had seven people come up on stage. They represented the 7 billion people now living on planet earth. One of the folks was a Christian. (I think Andy was being very, very generous here). Three of them wore sunglasses because they lived in the vicinity of the Christians, but were still blind to the Gospel. The fourth guy represented the 1 billion Muslims in the world. The fifth represented the Buddhists, and the sixth was for the Hindus.

At this point, the weird thing happened. Andy took 10 baseball caps, and began throwing them out in the congregation. The caps represented being 'called by God' as a missionary. Those who caught a cap were then invited to come stand by one of the seven already on stage. I knew that I was going to get a cap. Meanwhile, Becca was over in the nursing mothers room with another lady. Becca told her, "My husband's gonna get a cap, and go stand by the Buddhist."

And, of course, I got a cap. And, I walked up and stood by the Buddhist. My life is just like that.

Ugh! I only have to survive one more week of the missions conference without doing something stupid!

Friday, April 23th - Today is the start of our 2-day, intensive missions conference with the kids.

Spent most of the evening being a Buddhist. First, we did the drama around a 'Twister' mat where I was the 'B' in THUMB. T= Tribal, H= Hindu, U= Unreligious, M= Muslim, and B= Buddhist. Great little skit. Then, Becca and I pretended to be the leaders of a Buddhist home. We were given ten kids for our family, and together we acted out what it would be like to have Christian missionaries come to our country. Good stuff.

The next day started early, and went late. Becca had signed me up for the Men's Breakfast where I get to listen to Mike Hack of Operation Mobilization. Great message. Entertaining but not convicting (for me); gotta love it. Then, back to being a Buddhist again. The kids had a great time! Becca led the singing. The whole thing was very nice.

Then came the evening service. Mike Hack spoke again. At the end of the message, I was like, 'Okay, no big deal.' Becca said that she didn't even feel like filling out a STEPS card. I agreed. But then I suggested that we go down to the altar to let God know that we are still alright with being missionaries if he wants us. So that's what we did.

We didn't cry or get all emotional. I just prayed, 'Here we are, Lord. Just letting you know that we are still okay with being missionaries if you'd like to use us.' No big deal.

We started walking back to our pew, and Becca said, "Maybe we should sign up for the Perspectives class?" This is a missionary training class that the church was hosting. I said, "Well, why don't we wait and see what God does over the next couple of days?"

We got to our pew. The service ended. And the guy behind us leans forward, "I don't want to play Junior Holy Spirit, but if you're thinking about being missionaries, you should really take the Perspectives class." HA! I turned to Becca, "There's our confirmation. Looks like we're taking the Perspectives class."

We then walking out of the sanctuary, where we saw Mike Hack. I asked him to pray over us. He did.

Then I went to pick up the boys from their classes. Evan's teacher is Lynn, who is the wife of our missions pastor. I told her about God's very quick guidance to take the Perspectives class. "That's wonderful!"

But God wasn't done yet.

Art walked up and stood waiting for me to finish talking with Lynn. He then said, "One of our team members to Azerbaijan can't make it. I want you to go in his place."

Ya know, when God starts moving, he starts moving! Inside of 15 minutes of praying at the altar, I had been told to take the Perspectives class AND sign up for a missions trip to Azerbaijan!!

I told him that I would check with my employer; I'd have to get the time off right in the middle of busy season. I told God that this was my 'fleece.' It was gonna be huge. I asked some folks to pray about the situation, too. If my boss said, 'Yes' then I was giong to take it from God that I should go.

Then, on Tuesday, after a lot of praying, I asked him. "Of course, you can! Chris, work is not your life. It's a way to support your life. You'll never get different results by doing the same thing, so go for it!"

Okay. That was easy!

So, I filled out the application and sent in my $500. Only problem is, now I didn't have any money for the Perspectives class. For both Becca and I to take the class would be $518. Registration was Monday May 3rd.

I admit, I stressed a little bit, but in the back of my head, I knew one thing - God said to take the class.

Monday the 3rd came and went. For some reason, I couldn't just step out in faith. God was talking to me all day long. He was also talking to Becca.

Then came Tuesday, I was driving home from work; it was almost 5 o'clock. The thought struck me, "You have not, because you ask not." So, I called the church.

"Hi, I know that this is kinda silly, but do you guys have any means of financially helping people who have already spent their missions money on going to Azerbaijan?"

Long story short, they did. We both have been given scholarships to take the class.

God has also supplied a baby sitter, and things are moving right along. Now, I sent out some fund-raising letters, and I'm just sitting here watching to see what God will do.

Isn't the Lord awesome?
Author: Christopher
•8:23 AM
In Luke 9:1, Jesus gave his 12 disciples, "power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases."

And a little later we read, in verses 49-50,

"And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us. And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us."

So, who gave this Lone Ranger his power and authority?

How was he able to do what only an Apostle could do?

Here's a thought, when the Lord sent out the 70 in the next chapter, it says, "After these things the Lord APPOINTED other seventy also." (By the way, with the 12 and Jesus, that now makes 83 people walking around casting out devils!)

He appointed the 70. It does not say that he gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. It just says that he "appointed" another 70, also.

[ Later on, in verse 19, Jesus does give the 70 "power to tread on serpents and scorpions," but this is something different. This is similar to Mark 16, where Jesus says that those who believe will do BOTH healings and take up serpents. Here in Luke 10:19, is when he first gave the power to take up snakes, etc. (yeah, that was a new thought for me, too.) ]

It looks like when Jesus appointed the 70, they entered into the "power and authority" of the 12. That "power and authority" was given to men when it was given to those specific twelve men. (I'm not negating the uniqueness of the Apostles, I am merely trying to understand how the Lone Ranger was able to do what, at that time, only an Apostle could to.)

Mr. Lone Ranger was apparently tapping into the same "power and authority" to cast out devils, because he had FAITH to do so.

Now, if he could do it. Why can't I?

Oh, and that brings the number of people walking around casting out devils to 84!!

(Apparently, Mr. Lone Ranger had the faith to cast out devils, but not the faith to lay hands on the sick and see them healed, but this is not specifically stated in the text. Or it could be that 'casting out devils' is the same as 'healing.' See Luke 9:42)
Author: Christopher
•8:21 AM

Paul says of the Gospel in Galatians 1:12, "For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ."

There have been several times in my life when I have been taught 'by revelation.' One time, I was minding my own business, and had just walked into the bathroom for something. Out of the blue, it was as though the veil was pulled back, and I understood 'eternal life' with a clarity that I'd never known before. This understanding was instantaneous and overwhelming!!

I ran to my bedroom, grabbed a pen and paper, and started writing; I knew that such clarity wouldn't last forever, and I wanted to get all my thoughts down.

The Spirit revealed to me that 'everlasting life' is not my own life stretched out over eternity. I had always heard that, as a believer, I was going to live for ever. But that is wrong! I saw that 'everlasting life' and 'eternal life' are both talking about Jesus' life. Not mine, but His!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 'the very life of Jesus'." That's John 3:16, with my own little paraphrase.

I scribbled on that paper for about 10 minutes.

Somewhere along the way, I lost that paper. I wish I still had it. Not because it was 'new' Scripture or anything like that, but because it would have made for such good teaching.

I have had other times of revelation. A couple of times the Spirit has given me a vision to help me understand something.

I was working at Red Lobster one busy night when I had a similar thing happen. The line cooks were pushing their plates to me, I was dressing them and getting them ready for the servers. It was hectic!

Inside though, I was talking to the Lord. Out of nowhere, I saw a vast open courtyard. The courtyard was cobblestone, but transparent like gleaming glass. A throne sat to one side, and before Him stood multitudes upon multitudes of shining, beautiful people. They were, every one of them, dressed in the finest clothing; gemstones glistened on their crowns and clothing.

They were all smiling.

Somehow I knew that it was 'Rewards Day' and they were all happy for each other.

And then I was back at Red Lobster. I never really left, of course. But God had opened my mind to see the royalty of children of God. I am a king. I have no doubt about it. If you are a believer, then so are you. We are the children of God.

I wiped away the tears, and went back to work.