Author: Christopher
•7:38 PM

The Old Testament Jews were expecting the Messiah to come in glory and great power. They expected his kingdom to be visible. They expected him to judge the wicked. They expected his kingdom to be visible.

It wasn't. Which explains how they overlooked a Baby lying in a manger. Jesus didn't do what they expected.

Now, looking back with hindsight, we know that there are two comings. The first was quiet, the second will be with the shouts of angels. The first was humble riding on a donkey, the second is glorious riding on a white stallion before the armies of God.

So, why were there two comings?

At the first coming, Jesus broke the power of Satan. At the Cross, Jesus "spoiled" principalities and powers. He stripped them of their power, armor and weaponry. Jesus defeated Satan and sin, and their effects at the Cross.

At his second coming, Jesus will destroy Satan's kingdom, and set up a visible reign of righteousness. But until then, we live in the 'overlap' of the Kingdom of God.

The blessings of the Kingdom of God are available now to those who believe. At the second coming, they will be available to everybody, but now they are available to believers only.

It's as if the Kingdom of God is starting twice!

At the second coming, the Spirit will be poured out on ALL flesh (Joel 2:28) and believers will prophecy, and do miracles. Therefore, the Spirit was already poured out in Acts 2 (Acts 2:16-17), and those who believe will prophecy and do miracles NOW. At the second coming, the power of God will be present to cast out devils and heal the sick. Therefore, to those who believe NOW, that power is also available.

Like Jesus, we are sent forth to 'teach and to show the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God.'

The works of Satan are today illegal. They are not binding. Their power was broken at the Cross. We have the authority in Christ to stop this illegal activity. We have been given both the power and authority to both 'teach and show the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God.'

Don't believe your eyes. The power of Satan has been broken. "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." (I John 3:8)

The blessings of the Kingdom of God are available now to those who believe. (Mark 16)
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