•8:42 AM
There are two kinds of people in this world: the Lost and the Saved. And there are two kinds of Christians: those who have entered into Rest, and those who have Not.
In both cases, the difference is a heart issue. The book of Proverbs tells us to 'keep our hearts with all diligence, for out of them are the issues of life.' The contents of your heart are what flows out of your mouth, and out of your hands. The Lost man behaves differently (most of the time) from the Saved man because his heart is fundamentally different. The Lost man, John Q. Public, has a heart of stubborn rebellion against God; he is self-sufficient and capable. The Saved man has a new heart upon which God has written his laws, and into which he has placed his Spirit. The difference is quite evident to those who know what to look for (usually).
Believers are also divided into two groups. Those who have accepted Jesus as their Saviour, and those who have entered into the Rest of faith. The first group knows that they are going to heaven when they die; the second group knows that Christ is their Life right NOW. The first group, having been given the gift of eternal life, is now trying to repay the debt by being good. The second group has finally come to understand that grace cannot be repaid and they have stopped trying; they simply say Thank You, and relax in the gift that they have been given. The first group is characterized by religious-ness and rule-keeping; they are judgmental of the brethren and truly believe that Truth is more important than Love. The second group believes that Truth has led them to the understanding that Love is God, and that by walking in love they will walk in God, and God in them.
Just as the Saved man, who has left the world of the Lost, can usually spot the difference between a Saved man and a Lost man, so too the believer who has entered into Rest can tell when another believer has not.
Each group is smaller than the other. All men are Lost. A few find the narrow way and enter into eternal life. And then an even smaller group will continue pressing deeper into God until they enter into Rest.
The Lost are the great masses of slaves in Egypt. The Saved are those who have crossed the Red Sea of Christ's blood. Those at Rest have followed the presence of God into a land of plenty, of giants, and of miracles.
The Lost are deaf to the words of God. Until they respond to the invitation to drink from the Fountain ("Whosoever will, may come."), they will not normally hear any other words from God. The Saved have followed the Lord out of darkness and into his marvelous light, but like the Israelites of old, the majority lack the faith to "enter in." They wander. They look for an external pillar of fire or smoke, or a neon sign, to point them in the right direction. They walk by sight even as they follow the invisible God.
The final group, those at Rest, are like still pools of water. They have discovered a quiet place before the Throne of God. Their lives are hid with Christ in God. These few have ceased from striving, self-effort, and self-judgment ("Yea, I judge not my own self," said Paul). As the grapevine effortlessly bears its fruit, these have found that the Life within them is all that's needed to accomplish what needs to be done in their lives. Activity is good, but there is a difference between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit.
When a pool is quiet, the tiny effects of the smallest droplet will ripple across the entire surface. The words of God are quiet like the smallest droplet. When they find themselves falling upon the still hearts of those who Rest, they find open ears and ready hearts. Those who have not yet come to the end of themselves must "labor to enter into rest," they must quiet themselves before God if they are to hear his words.
So then, hearing God is not so much a matter of listening but of being a person who has the ability to hear. It is not a straining to hear the slightest sound, it is a surrendering of all. It is about loving Jesus, giving him your heart, and rejoicing in that love.
When you can pass through the Courtyard, and through the Holy Place, and through the torn Veil into the Holy of Holies, then you will hear from God. He meets with us there, above the Mercy Seat, which is Christ Jesus, in a place of Cherubims and light.
Here you will hear from God.