Author: Christopher
•10:03 PM
I have a twin brother, Nat, and a sister, Trish. Both of them were saved very early in life.

Nat was saved in Kindergarten. One evening, Mom had explained the Gospel to both of us, and we had knelt beside the couch and 'prayed the prayer.' This meant absolutely nothing to either of us. (A word of caution to parents: If your children pray a prayer without any understanding, that is NOT salvation, no matter how much you want it to be!)

Some time later, Nat was lying upstairs in bed. I believe this was just prior to Kindergarten. He got to thinking about life. He realized that life was just eating, sleeping, and playing. (The life of a 4 year old!). Then he thought about doing that forever. "How boring!!" he thought. He didn't want to live forever if it was going to be so monotonous. At this point, the Lord joined the conversation, and reminded him of Hell. Nat was so scared that he ran downstairs to Mom saying that he wanted to get saved. Mom told him that he knew what to do, and to go upstairs and tell Jesus what he wanted. That's exactly what he did. He was lying on his bed with his eyes closed, praying. When he opened his eyes, he saw the Lord ascending up through the ceiling looking down at him.

Yeah, I know how it sounds, but he's 41 years old, and that's still his story. I believe him.

Trish was saved at about the age of 3. She was saved when Mom (I think it was Mom) took her through the wordless book. [This is a great way to explain the Gospel to a child. The Gold page is for heaven. The Black page for our sin. The Red page for the blood of Jesus that makes us clean. The White page is our clean heart. The Gold page is, again, where we will go if our hearts are clean. And, lastly, the Green page which is growing in Christ.] Trisha never doubted her salvation from that time to this that I know of.

And what about me? I prayed with Nat beside the couch, but didn't get saved. After Nat truly accepted the Lord, his life changed. I can remember in Kindergarten seeing him praying with a young boy behind a tree; he was praying with the boy to get saved. I was 5 years old, and I remember thinking, "How come Nat changed and I didn't?"

I wouldn't get saved for 13 more years.
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