Author: Christopher
•9:32 AM
The Devil is very real, the word of God tells us that. In this blog, I'll record some of my experiences with him before I was saved. Again, I'm putting these in print for my kids. They need to know that the Devil is real, and they shouldn't disregard it when someone says that they've had an 'experience' with him.

I thought I was saved early on. I went to church. I can remember my twin brother and I singing in front of the congregation when we were really little. We also went to Vacation Bible Schools. I memorized Scripture (including Ephesians 2:8-9) and was given ribbons for it. But the Bible was not real to me. I remember trying to read ONE verse at night, and being unable to keep my eyes open that long. I honestly believe this was demonic. C'mon, I couldn't get through a single verse? I'd start reading, and I'd be asleep. Hmmmm...

Well, as I said, I was interested in the paranormal. I taught myself to meditate very deeply. On one of these occasions, with my eyes closed, I was able to see the entire room. I saw 360*, in front of me, and behind me, at the same time. This was very neat! I later learned that this was a power claimed by ninjas.

Another time, my little sister rolled a pair of dice. She asked me what it was going to be. I 'felt' the answer in the back of my head. I said it out loud. She rolled the dice, and I was correct. Then she did it again. Eight times I called out the correct answer before she rolled the dice.

One time, my brother threw something at the back of my head when I wasn't looking. I 'saw' it, and ducked. It flew over my head. Very cool. But not of God.

I made a dowsing rod from a coat hanger, and put down a bunch of numbers on a piece of paper. I dowsed over the paper, and wrote down the numbers that were 'chosen.' I ended up with something like 6 out of 7 lottery numbers being correct. (I didn't play the numbers because I was only about 16 at the time.)

Things started moving around my bedroom. This was scary, but also fascinating. I was sitting on my bed. I dropped a pencil. When I bent to pick it up, it wasn't there. It was already back on my nightstand. Another time, I had my wristwatch over the post at the foot of my bed. As I made the bed, I threw the covers up in the air, and it settled over the posts. I briefly thought, 'I better move my watch.' When I lifted up the blanket, the watch wasn't there. It was on my nightstand where I had planned on putting it. This happened 5 or 6 times.

I once took a psychic quiz in a magazine. There were 100 Coke cans in a picture. The goal was to tell which can actually had pop in it; the other cans were all empty. I ran my finger over the page, and one of the cans felt cold to me. That can was indeed the one with pop in it.

Oh, yeah, I also had visions. One day, I was standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room; nowhere near the back door. Instantly I was standing at the back door looking out at the driveway. My grandparents' car pulled into the driveway; I saw them make the right turn into the driveway. Then I was standing in the doorway between the kitchen and living room again. When I came to myself, I realized that I had had a vision. I ran to the back door, and looked outside. I saw their car make the right turn into the driveway. (Yeah, very cool. But not of God.)

The most terrifying incident, and one that started me on the road to salvation, happened as I attempted astral projection. Astral projection, or OBE ~ Out of Body Experience, is real. I knew a friend who said that he had done this. I read up on it. I did what was necessary (a very deep meditation being part of it), and, as I was lying on my bed, I began to lift up out of my body.

I had only risen a few inches, when I heard a satanic voice in my head saying, "I will get you." That is a direct quote. I will never forget it. I immediately called out in my head, "JESUS! JESUS! JESUS!" and I was back in my body. I was shaking, sweating, and terrified! Something/someone was out there. I never tried that again.

There are more stories, but these should suffice. I have many more second hand stories from friends, but these are mine. I was there. Satan's power is very real.
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