Author: Christopher
•12:32 PM
Our God is a big God.

Sometimes when we talk about healing, people think we're nuts. But God does heal. Here are just a few examples:

1 - My brother can tell of having a terrible migraine. He asked the Lord to take it away, and it was gone. That just doesn't happen.

2 - My friend Leigh Ann had Epstein-Barr Syndrome. This is caused by the virus that normally causes infectious mononucleosis; it is a herpes virus, and is incurable. A small percentage of people develop a chronic fatigue syndrome from this virus. It is also incurable.

As Leigh Ann sat listening to the preacher speak on healing, she heard the Lord speak to her. He told her that if she would go forward, that he would heal her of the Epstein-Barr. She did. He did. And last I heard, she and her husband were missionaries to the Muslims near Turkey somewhere.

3 - I'll never forget when John came out of the back room at church. John was an elder at the church. His face was a mix of joy and astonishment. He said to me, "I can't believe it. I laid my hands on his back, and commanded them to straighten up in the name of Jesus...and I felt them move beneath my hands!" Scoliosis is not a problem for the One who makes the crooked paths straight.

4 - I was washing dishes when Becca said to me, "Do you think that Jesus would heal my teeth?"

Becca, my wife, had previously been diagnosed with teeth needing root canals on both sides of her mouth. They took x-rays and everything.

I replied very nonchalantly, "Absolutely. Get in the tub." I had been waiting for her to ask.

I believe that anointing means anointing, that is, pouring on the oil. She got in the tub and stood there. I grabbed the cooking oil. I poured it on her head.

And the Lord spoke to me, well, showed me is more like it, what to do next. I put oil on my finger and smeared it on her teeth as I prayed. And I got happy.

She asked me, "Do you think he did it?"

"Oh yeah." I knew that he had since he had directed me on what to do. Not a doubt in my mind.

Later, Becca went to the dentist. She had to have root canals on the right side of her mouth.

WHAT?!?! That wasn't right!

Then she told me that while I was praying for her teeth, she was praying that only the left side would be healed. She wanted a reminder that she needs to take better care of her teeth, so she wanted to have root canals on the right side.

Be it done unto you according to your faith LOL! ($1,200 bucks later...)

There are more, but I'll save them for later!

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