Author: Christopher
•4:17 PM
God won't be put in a box. Not yours, not mine.

I've often heard it said that we should look to the Bible for the way that God behaves, and to judge things that we see and hear by what is recorded in the Book.

But what we learn from the Bible is that God is NOT predictable by what is recorded in the Bible!

Before God parted the Red Sea, no one had ever seen him do it.

Before God made the Sun stand still, no one had ever seen him do it.

Before Elijah called down fire from heaven, no one had ever seen God do it.

Before Christ walked on water, no one had ever seen God do it.

God is, according to his own word, unpredictable.

I know a dear friend who surrendered to the Lord and asked God to fill him with the Holy Spirit. He went on for several weeks, and then during a sermon, he felt water pour into his head and fill him from the feet up.

I know of a fella that had a crazy experience with the Lord when we were out door-to-door witnessing. We stopped to pray in a yard. I turned to walk away, and I heard him say,

"Chris, I can't move."

I turned to look, and there he is...just standing there. "I can't move."

He had a huge smile on his face. He was not scared, just immobile. LOL

It was the Lord. He knew it and so did I.

Perhaps the Lord was telling him that he couldn't take a step without him? LOL

God will NEVER transgress his word, but when he wrote his word, he left himself enough room to still go outside your box and mine.
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